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Our Team

Lori Adams, Clinical Coordinator

Lori AdamsLori Adams is originally from Lincoln and graduated from Northeast High School and then UNL. Lori has been part of the Clear Vision Team since 2015. Lori is a guru on the medical side of our clinic and patients find Lori to be very friendly and fun to work with. Lori really enjoys sports, especially Husker sporting events. From April to October she spends many hours at the Doris Bair Softball Complex. She serves as a member on the board for the Lancaster Youth Softball Association and is very passionate about this organization. LYSA provided her with many memories and friendships growing up and she wants to be sure that other girls have the same opportunities.

Katie Bateman, Business Manager

Katie BatemanKatie Bateman spent most of her childhood in Nashville, Tennessee before attending the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and receiving her degree in business. Katie serves many roles in the clinic that include clinic financials and stat tracking, frame buying, marketing and advertising, event planning, and human resource tasks. She is passionate about forming relationships between the clinic and community organizations. Katie is a part of the Fallbrook Kiwanis Club and serves as a member on the Fallbrook YMCA board. When not working, she enjoys spending time with Andrew, their daughters Alece and Olivia, and their German short-hair, Monroe.

Lindsey Collins, Optician

Lindsey, an O’Neill native, joins us with experience in retail management and excellent communication skills. She earned an undergraduate degree from the University of Nebraska at Kearney in Business Management. Although Lindsey is a newer member of our CVEC team she has quickly become an optical whiz. Lindsey easily connects to our patients, carefully listening to their interests, lifestyle and how they need their glasses to work for them. She is always upbeat and a fantastic teammate. In her free time you may find Lindsey doing a variety of sports, hanging out with her husband, Michael, enjoying any Husker event with their little girl, Hallie, or at the dog park with their dog, Bo.

Kelsey Mataloun, Optical Manager

Kelsey MatalounKelsey joined the CVEC team in July 2019 and hit the ground running. She not only had a fantastic background in optics but also experience working for Nordstroms. Patient’s appreciate her curated style and advice during frame and lens selection. Kelsey, a Lincoln native, graduated from UNL with her degree in Textiles, Merchandising and Fashion Design and spent time in Denver and St. Louis before returning with her husband, Rodrigo, to Lincoln. Kelsey and Rodrigo are impressive DIY’ers and are always tackling a new house project. When not scraping ceilings, painting, installing lighting or doing landscaping, they are enjoying time with their 1 year old Penelope and their pup, Koko.

Meghan Mitchell, Patient Concierge

Meghan MooreMeghan joins us after 7 years at Bed Bath and Beyond where she traveled to assist opening new stores. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology. Meghan is typically a patient’s first contact with CVEC, either by phone or greeting when they arrive. She is extremely well organized, warm and has a fantastic sense of humor. Meghan likes spending time outdoors, watching TV and doing absolutely anything with her 10 year old son, Caleb and husband, Justin.

Emily Schindler, Optician

Photo of EmilyEmily Schindler is a Norfolk native who recently moved to Lincoln with her husband, Scotty, and her beloved pups, Elsa Marie and Rowan Peak. Emily received her degree from Wayne State in early childhood education. Helping people is at the core of everything she does. She strives to build relationships and trust with our patients (and our team members too)! Emily is caring, enthusiastic, and full of positive energy. In her free time Emily enjoys being outside, hiking, and hanging out with Scotty and her two furry children. We are lucky to have Emily’s energy in the clinic and love having her as part of our Clear Vision team!

Emma Schroeder, Medical Technician

Emma is a recent graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and majored in biological sciences with a minor in psychology. Emma brings energy, humor and attention to detail to work each day. When not working you may find her at the gym, crafting, or out on the town socializing. As a true Gen Z, she shares all of her Tik Tok finds with the rest of us. Need to know how to get your sneakers sparkly white? Emma knows the secret! Graduate school may be calling her name sometime in the near future, but until then…we sure are happy she is part of the Clear Vision Eye Care team!

Mika Yang, Optometric Technician and Optician

Photo of MikaMika Yang has joined our team with experience in both the medical and optical aspects of an optometry clinic. He has jumped right in wanting to learn about the equipment and technology we have available at Clear Vision Eye Care. Mika is motivated by happy patients and strives to connect with patients while communicating eye care solutions that meet their needs. Mika is a Lincoln native and Southeast High grad who recently returned home. In his personal time he enjoys learning more about photography, music and art, and classic literature. He is a whiz at Greek mythology and can even read ancient Greek! Mika is also a foodie and our Clear Vision team has been the lucky recipients of his delicious creations…we guarantee you’ve never had a tastier focaccia! We are thrilled to have Mika as part of our Clear Vision crew. Welcome, Mika!

Clear Vision Eye Care offers our employees a level-funded Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance plan. To be in compliance with new laws designed for transparency we are providing this link on our website that is accessible to the public.